A Very Different Kind of Shark Novel

When I wrote "An Ocean Life", my goal was to disrupt both the protagonist's and our own anthropomorphic view of the world. Imagine if your life is suddenly upended in such a way that none of your experiences could prepare you for the isolation of existing and surviving in the deep ocean. I also wanted to write a very different shark novel, one that does not resign itself to the familiar horror tropes. It is still a terrifying tale.

So what kind of novel is it? When people ask me I have a difficult time answering. Is it an action/adventure story? Yes. Horror? Yes. Is it emotional / personal story? Yes. Is it science fiction? Yes. Thriller / suspense? Yes. Survival? Yes.

I also decided not to focus on any particular message when I wrote it. But, you know what? Messages started creeping out of the woodwork of my text. I suppose this is inevitable as a writer. But my main goal was to entertain and enchant the reader.


The Book Cover


The Story Behind An Ocean Life